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Amy Mick
Mar 1, 20242 min read
A Baby's First Steps
How your baby is designed to crawl Crawling is SO important for your baby. A normal cross-crawl pattern is expected to develop around 9...
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Amy Mick
Feb 1, 20242 min read
Confidence with Chiropractic
Barbara’s Story Mom guilt is real and is something as a prenatal chiropractor I see in my office frequently. While I am glad to live in a...
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Amy Mick
Jan 5, 20249 min read
Let them go Barefoot: Why our Toddler doesn't wear shoes!
Disclaimer: This isn’t an article suggesting everyone and every child should be barefoot. We are not telling anyone how to live or what...
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Amy Mick
Nov 6, 202311 min read
Optimizing Pregnancy By Amanda Halstead-Riordan, D.C.
The sky’s the limit when we start talking about things a mom and her family can do to optimize a pregnancy. Here are a handful of major...
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Amy Mick
Oct 1, 20235 min read
The Bigness of Vitalism. What is it and how does it relate to Chiropractic?
The nervous system is at the interface between spirit and matter. The physical manifest of Consciousness is the Nervous System,...
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Amy Mick
Sep 6, 20233 min read
Chiropractic Newsletter - Your Amazing Body
“Michael Michael Motorcycle” It’s hard to know how or when this expression began, but it’s NOT hard to figure out why they used...
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